SwiftyInsta – Instagram Unofficial Private API Swift

SwiftyInsta - Instagram Unofficial Private API Swift

Instagram provides two varieties of APIs to builders. The Instagram API Platform (very limited in features and near to getting discontinued), and the Instagram Graph API for Company and Creator accounts only.

Even so, Instagram apps count on a 3rd sort of API, the so-named Private API or Unofficial API, and SwiftyInsta is an iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS shopper for them, prepared entirely in Swift. You can attempt and generate a better Instagram knowledge for your people, or publish bots for automating different tasks.

These Private API require no token or application registration but they’re not approved by Instagram for external use. Use this at your have chance.


Swift Package Supervisor (Xcode 11 and previously mentioned)

  1. Decide on File/Swift Packages/Insert Offer Dependency… from the menu.
  2. Paste https://github.com/TheM4hd1/SwiftyInsta.git.
  3. Abide by the actions.


CocoaPods is a dependency supervisor for Cocoa initiatives. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem set up cocoapods  

To combine SwiftyInsta into your Xcode challenge using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

use_frameworks!    goal '' do      pod 'SwiftyInsta', '~> 2.0'  conclude  

Then, run the next command:

$ pod set up  

SwiftyInsta relies upon on CryptoSwift and keychain-swift.



$ gem put in cocoapods

As soon as the consumer has typed the two element authentication code or problem code, you simply just do


focus on '' do
pod 'SwiftyInsta', '~> 2.0'

And the completionHandler in the past authenticate(with: completionHandler:) will routinely capture the reaction.

LoginWebViewController (>= iOS 12 only)

$ pod install

Or carry out your possess custom made UIViewController working with LoginWebView, and move it to an APIHandler authenticate approach employing .webView(/* your login web view */).


If you’ve got currently persisted a user’s Authentication.Response:

// these need to have to be strong references.
self.credentials = Credentials(username: /* username */, password: /* password */, verifyBy: .text)
self.handler = APIHandler()
handler.authenticate(with: .consumer(qualifications))
switch $
case .success(let response, _):
print("Login successful.")
// persist cache safely and securely in the keychain for logging in all over again in the potential.
guard permit key = response.persist() else return print("`Authentication.Response` could not be persisted.")
// shop the `key` wherever you want, so you can accessibility the `Authentication.Response` afterwards.
// `UserDefaults` is just an instance.
UserDefaults.standard.set(crucial, forKey: "recent.account")
scenario .failure(enable mistake):
if mistake.requiresInstagramCode
/* update interface to question for code */
/* notify the person */


All endpoints are quickly available from your APIHandler instance.

self.credentials.code = /* the code */

Futhermore, responses now show each one worth contained in the JSON file returned by the API: just obtain any ParsedResponse rawResponse and commence browsing, or stick with the prompt add-ons (e.g. Consumer‘s username, name, etcetera. and Media‘s aspectRatio, takenAt, content material, and so on.).

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