Although GPT-4 Enhances ChatGPT’s Intelligence, Its Limitations Still Persist

Although GPT-4 Enhances ChatGPT’s Intelligence, Its Limitations Still Persist

GPT-4 Will Make ChatGPT Smarter but Won’t Fix Its Flaws

With its impressive ability to converse, answer questions, and even create prose, poetry, and code, OpenAI’s ChatGPT has forced many people to re-examine the potential of artificial intelligence. OpenAI has just unveiled GPT-4, which follows up on the groundbreaking GPT-3 model that was used to create ChatGPT in 2020. While GPT-4 scores higher on various intelligence and knowledge tests and can even respond to images, it still suffers from various problems that have bedeviled ChatGPT. These issues include hallucinating incorrect information, social biases, and assuming disturbing personas.

However, GPT-4 is not without its merits. It can perform neat tricks seen in its predecessors like summarizing and suggesting edits to text but can also do things they cannot, such as acting as a Socratic tutor and discussing photographic content. As Vincent Conitzer, a professor at CMU who specializes in AI, said, the new model still makes errors but has gained some abilities.

The key takeaways from this article are:

– OpenAI’s new model, GPT-4, improves upon the ChatGPT AI model and scores more highly on various knowledge and intelligence tests.
– GPT-4 can even interpret images and act as a Socratic tutor, but it still has some of the same flaws that plagued its predecessor, ChatGPT.
– AI experts remain skeptical of the usefulness of such models because of their tendencies to hallucinate incorrect information, exhibit problematic social biases, and misbehave.
– Nevertheless, the new model represents significant progress and constitutes a “mind-blowing series of advances” in AI language models.

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