Pathprober – Probe And Discover HTTP Pathname Using Brute-Force Methodology And Filtered By Specific Word Or 2 Words At Once

Probe and discover HTTP pathname using brute-force methodology and filtered by specific word or 2 words at once.


Brute-forcing website directories or HTTP pathname and validate using HTTP response code is not relevant anymore. This tool will help you to perform a penetration test, because it could validate the directories using specific-word or 2 words at once and the results will more accurate.

It will help you to find:

  • Web administrator/login panel
  • Credential in some paths
  • Third-party token
  • Etc


git clone
cd pathprober/


pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  • Multiple URL targets (in a file separated by newline) or single URL target
  • Multiple paths (in a file separated by newline) or single path
  • 1 word or 2 words (filter)
  • Save valid results to another file
  • Multi-threading

Sample usage

Multiple target, multiple path, and multiple words:

python3 -T target.txt -P path.txt -w "APP_NAME" -w2 "DB_PASSWORD"

Single target, multiple path, and single word:

python3 -t -P path.txt -w "APP_NAME"

Multiple target, single path, multiple words, and save output to file:

python3 -T target.txt -p /.env -w "APP_NAME" -w2 "TWILIO" -o output.txt

Need more help?

bash:~/pathprober$ python3 --help

___ ____ ___ _ _ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____
|__] |__| | |__| |__] |__/ | | |__] |___ |__/
| | | | | | | | |__| |__] |___ |
Probe HTTP pathname filtered by words

usage: [-h] [-t] [-p pathname] [-T target.txt] [-P path.txt] [-w Word] [-w2 Word] [-o output.txt]

PathProber - Probe and discover HTTP pathname using brute-force methodology and filtered by specific word or 2 words at once

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Single website target
-p pathname Single pathname
-T target.txt Multiple target separated by newline
-P path.txt Multiple pathname separated by newline
-w Word A word that you want to find in a path
-w2 Word A secon d word that you want to find in a path
-o output.txt Save the results to file


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