Covert-Control – Google Drive, OneDrive And Youtube As Covert-Channels – Control Systems Remotely By Uploading Files To Google Drive, OneDrive, Youtube Or Telegram

Control systems remotely by uploading files to Google Drive, OneDrive, Youtube or Telegram using Python to create the files and the listeners. It allows to create text files, images, audio or videos, with the commands in cleartext or encrypted using AES.

  • – Control systems uploading files to a public folder in Google Drive.

  • – Control systems uploading files to a public folder in OneDrive.

  • – Control systems uploading videos to Youtube (updated from covert-tube).

  • – Control systems with a Telegram bot.

Create files to upload

You can find example files in the folder test_files or create new ones with

python3 -t TYPE [-o OUTPUTFILE] [-c COMMAND] [-e]
  • -t (–type) [Required]: Types of file: “text”, “image”, “audio” or “video”.

  • -o (–outputfile) [Optional]: Output file.

  • -c (–command) [Optional]: Command to execute.

  • -e (–encrypted) [Optional]: Add this flag to encrypt the command with AES.


python3 -t text  -c "whoami" -o text.txt
python3 -t text -c "whoami" -o text_encrypted.txt -e
python3 -t audio -c "whoami" -o audio.wav
python3 -t audio -c "whoami" -o audio_encrypted.wav -e
python3 -t image -c "whoami" -o image.png
python3 -t image -c "whoami" -o image_encrypted.png -e
python3 -t video -c "whoami" -o video.avi
python3 -t video -c "whoami" -o video_encrypted.avi -e


Common configuration values:

  • data_type (Optional. Default: “text”):

    data_type File type Encrypted Valid for Extension
    text Text file No Google Drive, OneDrive .txt
    text_encrypted Text file Yes Google Drive, OneDrive .txt
    image Image No Google Drive, OneDrive .png
    image_encrypted Image Yes Google Drive, OneDrive .png
    audio Audio No Google Drive, OneDrive .wav
    audio_encrypted Audio Yes Google Drive, OneDrive .wav
    video Video No Google Drive, OneDrive, Youtube .avi
    video_encrypted Video Yes Google Drive, OneDrive, Youtube .avi
  • delay_seconds (Optional. Default: 300): Seconds between checks of new files uploaded to the Google Drive or OneDrive folder or new videos in the Youtube channel.

  • aes_key (Optional. Default: “covert-control21”): Key for AES encryption.

  • debug (Optional. Default: True): Print messages and timestamps in the listener or not.

Specific configuration values:

  • googledrive_folder: Url of public Google Drive folder to monitor (for

  • onedrive_folder: Url of public OneDrive folder to monitor (for

  • youtube_channel_id: Youtube channel ID of the channel to monitor. You can get it from here (for

  • youtube_api_key: Get an API key creating an application and generating the key in here (for

  • telegram_token: Bot token, create it using BotFather. Write “/newbot”, then send a name for the bot (for example, “botname”) and a username for the bot ending in “-bot” (for example, “somethingrandombot”) (for

  • telegram_username: Specify a Telegram username so it only executes commands received from this user (without “@”).

Google Drive

It allows to execute commands uploading text files, images, audio and videos, unencrypted or encrypted with AES. The optional input argument is the public folder url, which can be also configured in

python3 [FOLDER_URL]

The listener will check the Google Drive folder every 300 seconds by default (can be updated in In this case a video, “video.avi”, is uploaded with the command in the QR of the video:

AVvXsEh7PO zrz2mNqj VY kmDQET7GpTa DBXLbSgqobq2g57tZlhzliEKTGAY4hQC6pRLnEfj

After finding there is a new file uploaded to the folder, it is downloaded, processed and the commands are executed:

AVvXsEhrO6AoXrhATjZf2RQwnQrgOpG3b o9XgLVB63mwZ 83yszv1b21pgZDz8CdKhDZ3tPG11FEzXk7kffgTQQgRrU9bIswB2s7zWezpL4RVDEiU oxJOXMj3XTqZ0 nkjFqjYP0R0fDhklk5bfc wwh4DGYNAHhIcQkrEZVWLpehorezYJ4CcHF9egZt8Yg=w640 h146


It allows to execute commands uploading text files, images, audio and videos, unencrypted or encrypted with AES. The optional input argument is the public folder url, which can be also configured in

python3 [FOLDER_URL]

The listener will check the OneDrive folder every 300 seconds by default (this can be updated in In this case an audio, “audio_encrypted.wav”, is uploaded with the command encrypted with AES:

AVvXsEhEyfjlRlenIcZsZjpFU fKoRCujugREmhXvznuTVo5LXdBscQx9TmCoqBGXl5q pTCbJfUPbYWT7FD3pdnQHPEw kRqsjw02HYsJ2km0pPurJXlNjlvI G4wGo79bCKiUliQvnfDwA3

After finding there is a new file uploaded to the folder, it is downloaded, processed and the commands are executed:

AVvXsEiYLaLyA0SBCBnmOefTKuBCm0mJPxRan9E7afhg4 uciPfaCkQMcdFcve7ndZBzmXSD10jt 16Wqb05gt9xUM4 HEPtR7dV79aPbeCM59iqecrORaNbMZ0ou5bkx FCnmtdEZKAOaBD9OffGoed6WEaEgvW3aDtTXqErE7biGhOEp0gxnLLU9BGRcorBA=w640 h192


NOTE: This will only work if you do not delete any file in the folder, if you do it you must create a new one. It could be possible to implement it to work even after deleting files, but it would be necessary to create many requests and would be less stealthy.


It allows to execute commands uploading videos, unencrypted or encrypted with AES. The optional input arguments are the Youtube channel ID to monitor and the API key, which can be also configured in

python3 [CHANNEL_ID] [API_KEY]

The listener will check the Youtube channel every 300 seconds by default (this can be updated in First the video is uploaded:

AVvXsEhNNj9sLoHsQzeNXPg9G wuz6tFFACZnQ5qGqK1LIj vlqDBim9fO 3iCFDcjp5QX800dYWWEKLEGmAgUixYXCriGVhNVsDUUqmv2x0If0tDj m0ZMxGcUyeMY5sM5TGdXeYW9G 1z0 BBJ4Moj4rpASC7R2ZzAKbMIgIugT6IN3tbKJtU2hiX rPl5CA=w640 h208

After finding there is a new video in the channel, it is downloaded, processed and the commands are executed:

Google Drive, OneDrive and Youtube as covert-channels - Control systems remotely by uploading files to Google Drive, OneDrive, Youtube or Telegram (6)


Control systems remotely with a Telegram bot. This option does not allow to upload files, but it is possible to send the commands in cleartext (“/cmd”) or encrypted with AES (“/encrypted”). The first optional input argument is the bot token, which can be also configured in; the second one is used to configure a single Telegram user who can send commands to the bot (without “@”):


The listener will check the commands in the chat and show the output:


AVvXsEg 1 4o1us yNCz9ZidsoW mtZlnwav 5QydCPGjjnMdEt TlN5UY7dmKmynXIpULarG7g6oUPWHrR98moyAscbq7799a 2mh7wBL8hCR13dPe1bLfYqPsJQ0FLUXOpGvxlWTVvRfguyrFXYVG4Ud n4FdSsXgN5QHdX z6f7bcMkc05RgBa9j1f5zXnw=w640 h330


sudo apt install libzbar0
pip install bs4 Pillow opencv-python pyqrcode pypng pyzbar youtube_dl pytesseract python-telegram-bot requests argparse pycryptodome
git clone && cd covert-control/

Creating standalone binaries

pyinstaller --onefile
pyinstaller --onefile
pyinstaller --onefile
pyinstaller --onefile
rm -rf build
rm *spec
ls dist/

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