9 Upcoming Cybersecurity Trends To Watch Out For In 2021

Cybersecurity has evolved to be a very crucial component of any business today. Technology has brought new threats to businesses, which has led every stakeholder to gear up the efforts to fight cybercrime. As the threats become more sophisticated, the need to improve the ways of fighting cybercrime also needs to be improved, or many businesses will suffer devastating effects. 

Going into the future, the fight against cybercrime is expected to scale more. While it can’t be predicted that war will be wholly won anytime soon, the new trends in cybersecurity are essential steps in that direction. 

This article looks at the state of cybersecurity now and upcoming trends that’ll primarily shape the future. 

State Of Cybersecurity 

Currently, cybersecurity is making headlines all across the globe as Internet usage becomes more popular. Cybersecurity and the Internet go hand in hand, and, therefore, when one is discussed, the other will pop up in the conversation. 

Businesses, students, medical facilities, and governments all store their information in the Internet. That means that such pieces of information are out there, unlike before, when you could keep your records in a locked cabinet. If your data isn’t protected enough, anyone can access it, or delete, share, change, or use it for financial gains. 

However, cybersecurity isn’t just about how you’ve protected your data. It’s also the system you use and how your team is trained against acts, such as negligence, that risk your data. 

Well-established businesses have the financial muscles to get secure infrastructure that could shield them against attacks. On the other hand, small businesses form the prime target of hackers as they aren’t prepared to handle sophisticated attacks. A well-calculated cyberattack on a small business can leave the business on its knees, and that’s why the idea of cybersecurity is fundamental in business. 

But, on the positive side, the current state of cybersecurity has improved compared to years ago. More people are being educated on the importance of cybersecurity in businesses, homes, and even government institutions.  Moreover, regulations ensure businesses comply with data privacy, which compels businesses to prioritize boosting their cybersecurity efforts. 

The current collaboration between different stakeholders is, probably, the most considerable boost in the current state of cybersecurity. Everyone in the data chain, starting from clients to the government, plays a significant role in ensuring that cybercrime doesn’t get a chance by following all the necessary precautions to protect their data. Cybersecurity starts with you, and, therefore, your actions should play a role in boosting it.

Challenges Facing Cybersecurity

While the state of cybersecurity has been improved, it isn’t free from challenges yet. Hackers will try anything possible to get the data, and the worst part is that some hackers may be more skilled and have better systems than the staff and security in many businesses.

Here are some of the challenges facing cybersecurity:

  • Threat On Remote Workers 

Recently, there has been a rise in remote working because of the pandemic and businesses adapting intelligent operations. This has helped many businesses to thrive without needing large office spaces. However, the main challenge is that when people work from home, the threats follow them there. 

Most employees working remotely don’t have the kind of security systems that the office offers. They then become vulnerable to any attack, considering not all of them are savvy on cybersecurity matters and can easily fall for a phishing attack. This has derailed efforts against cybercrime. 

  • Negligence And Internal Threats

Cyberthreats don’t only come from hackers attacking your system; your employees could be the biggest challenge in terms of cybersecurity. Cases where employees are negligent in their roles, such as sharing information with unauthorized people or leaving their computers logged on, are rare, but possible. 

So, while you may be focused on preventing any external attack, internal threats could be the ones derailing your security efforts. 

  • Sophisticated Ransomware Attacks 

Ransomware attacks have been there, and they won’t go away anytime soon. This type of attack is one of the most luxurious attacks and can be targeted on valuable data, such as those in the healthcare industry or military contractors. 

Ransomware attacks have become sophisticated and more challenging to tackle, especially for small businesses. The result of a ransomware attack is devastating as it results in significant financial losses, which means the business finds it even more challenging to fight cybercrime. 

Cybersecurity Trends 


The state of cybersecurity, coupled with the challenges that cybersecurity has faced over the years, has led to new global trends. Some of these trends have already been tested, and they’re currently being used in the war against cybercrime. The same trends will also go way into the future to help organizations. 

Some of the significant trends to watch out for include the following: 

  • Patch Management 

Unpatched vulnerabilities account for the highest number of attacks on a system. When hackers attack any business, they look at loopholes, such as bugs and other vulnerabilities. One such loophole can form an entry point that can be used to attack the entire system. 

Patch management has, therefore, become a critical practice in cybersecurity. It involves a continuous process that involves testing a system for vulnerabilities. When the vulnerability is identified, it’s reported and remediated according to priority. The process is, then, repeated continuously to ensure any vulnerability in the system is eliminated. 

One of the best patch management practices is outsourcing the work to a company specializing in network and security audits. A reliable company has the right equipment and expertise to test any unpatched system in the network and correct it without burdening your business. 

  • Zero-Trust Approach 

Cloud operations mean that the workforce, assets, and business processes have been moved outside a defined security perimeter wall. Cases such as remote working mean that your business doesn’t have complete control over what happens on your employees’ end, as anyone else can use their computer to try and access your business. Typically, this increases the vulnerability of your business. 

Such cases have led to the adoption of the zero-trust method to secure systems. The zero-trust approach is a culture that no one should be trusted by default because their system could be compromised. Because the network may be outside the security perimeter, methods such as device authentication and multifactor authentication are used to ensure the access isn’t granted to an unauthorized person. 

Techniques such as device and identity authentication can be combined with an already existing security system to create a multilayered security system, which will boost the security in a company.

  • Cybersecurity Insurance 

Businesses are now taking measures to prevent a potential cyberattack and prepare how to recover if they’re attacked. It’s a smart move considering that businesses aren’t entirely immune to hacking and other forms of threat, so they better get prepared to start again if they’re attacked.

Cybersecurity insurance is just like any other insurance that covers businesses from any loss realized due to cybercrime. This kind of coverage is usually high risk, especially for medical officers and accountants who have customers’ personal and financial information. Insuring yourself against cybercrime can help you to recover the lost data and any financial loss quickly. 

  • Endpoint Management 

Endpoint management is the management of remote devices, and authenticating any access right and any attempt to access your network from a central point. Endpoint management can help you restrict or grant access, monitor security policies in those endpoint devices, and manage other activities from one central point. 

Because of the rise of remote working, devices are distributed in different regions. During operations, the devices will request access to the corporate assets, and you’ll have to grant them. The only problem is that you may end up granting access to unauthorized devices. The endpoint devices can also be used as entry points for hackers if the security policies aren’t updated. 

Protecting your business requires you to discover the devices asking for permission and troubleshooting them if they develop any problem, so they don’t develop any performance issues and won’t be used as entry points.

  • Supply Chain Attacks 

A supply chain attack is a cybersecurity concern that targets smaller businesses that supply systems, software, or other equipment to other larger businesses. It’s like a stepping stone toward a bigger target. For example, if you run a retail shop and you purchase a point of sale from a third party, attackers will, instead, hack the third party as they know your system is well-protected. This kind of attack is also common on military contractors who source infrastructure from different suppliers. 

This kind of attack has gained popularity among hackers considering there are many suppliers to a business, hence, many areas to attack. Businesses are advised to have their suppliers provide compliance certificates or a well-documented system audit to ensure that their respective networks are secure and can’t be used to attack the business. 

  • Use Of Artificial Intelligence To Fight Cybercrime 

AI and data analytics have played a significant role in business and technology today. Even though the field hasn’t been fully explored, and the concept is relatively new, its adaptation into cybersecurity has been fast, and it’s showing a promising future. 

With enough data, an organization can use AI to test any vulnerability in the system based on past experiences. The major advantage of AI over human intelligence is the ability to process large chunks of data in an unbiased fashion over a short period, ensuring that any weakness is identified or predicted, and remediated early enough. 

The downside of AI is that it’s not only businesses that can use AI to boost cybersecurity. Hackers can also develop AI algorithms that they can use to test for vulnerability in your system. If they identify any, then they can use it to steal your data

  • Ransomware Still The Top Threat 

AdobeStock 153593083In the future, ransomware is still expected to be the number one threat to businesses. Ransomware targets businesses for financial gains; as people and businesses get more opportunities to make money, so do the attackers. 

The main targets of ransomware attackers are still healthcare industries and accounting firms. The reason is that these two industries carry valuable information about people, and if hackers get their hands on the data, they’ll reap big money from it. Also, the rise of cryptocurrencies and the fact that not many people are knowledgeable about them have made them an easy target for ransomware attackers. 

  • Encryption 

Encryption is a technique of converting or jumbling information into a secret code so that only authorized people can understand and access it. Encryption has been used for many years in different areas to protect private information. 

Businesses use encryption to protect data stored in their systems and any data shared with clients or staff. Encryption can use a private key that’s only shared with the authorized people to help decrypt the shared information, while maintaining privacy from unauthorized parties. 

It can also use a public key with two sets of keys: a private and a public key. Therefore, if you send encrypted data through an unsecure channel using their public key, the receiver can decrypt the message using their private key, hence, preventing data breaches. 

Besides maintaining the confidentiality of shared information, encryption can also help businesses comply with data privacy regulations. 

  • Automation Of Processes 

The automation role in cybersecurity is straightforward; it automates the repetitive behaviors in the organization, easing the team’s burden. Security operations done by the business can be automated so that it helps reduce task time and ensure its continuity. 

If processes such as identifying vulnerabilities and remediation are automated and are conducted continuously, the system will remain protected from any security threat. Many businesses are adopting this technique as it eliminates the need for manual audits.


Cybersecurity is an integral part of business operations, and people shouldn’t take their eyes off it even for a moment. As more resources are channeled towards boosting cybersecurity efforts, attackers are also working round the clock to develop more sophisticated ways to bypass the security systems. 

The future of cybersecurity is an interesting one as it’s tied to technological advancement. The trends that keep popping up will play a more significant role in fighting cybercrime, but other practices, such as collaborative measures and employee training, shouldn’t be abandoned.

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