World’s Largest Bitcoin poker SealsWithClubs website hacked

World's Largest Bitcoin poker SealsWithClubs website hacked


It seems any internet sites that do Bitcoin transactions are coming below the radar of Hackers.  SealsWithClubs is the most current sufferer.

On the internet Poker company SealsWithClubs which is claimed to be the world’s greatest bitcoin poker site has admitted their database server containing person qualifications compromised by the hackers.

They reported the stolen passwords are hashed and salted but urged customers to transform their password. If you utilized the exact password any place else, you are encouraged to transform there also as precaution.

Ars Technica pointed out a hyperlink to the InsidePro forum’s publish in which an user with online moniker “StacyM” has asked other consumers to crack 42,000 hashed passwords.

StacyM is providing $20 in Bitcoins for each 1000 unique cracked passwords. 1000’s of passwords have already been cracked. He didn’t point out the source of all those hashes. However, some cracked passwords these as “sealswithclubs”, “pokerseals” is appeared to be from the SealsWithClubs web site.

SealsWithClubs promises to increase the security actions in the near foreseeable future which includes ‘ability to completely lock withdrawal address’, ‘lock accounts account accessibility apart from for particular IP addresses’

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