Tagged: spyware

APT annual review 2021 0

APT annual review 2021

In the Global Research and Analysis Team at Kaspersky, we track the ongoing activities of more than 900 advanced threat actors and activity clusters; you can find our quarterly overviews here, here and here....

Kerberoast – Kerberoast Attack -Pure Python- 0

Kerberoast – Kerberoast Attack -Pure Python-

Kerberos attack toolkit -pure python-  Install pip3 install kerberoast Prereqirements Python 3.6 See requirements.txt For the impatient IMPORTANT: the accepted target url formats for LDAP and Kerberos are the following <ldap_connection_url> : <protocol>+<auth-type>://<domain><user>:<password>@<ip_or_hostname>/?<param1>=<value1> <kerberos_connection_url>:...