Tagged: Shellcode

PEzor – Open-Source Shellcode And PE Packer 0

PEzor – Open-Source Shellcode And PE Packer

Read the blog posts here: https://iwantmore.pizza/posts/PEzor.html https://iwantmore.pizza/posts/PEzor2.html https://iwantmore.pizza/posts/PEzor3.html https://iwantmore.pizza/posts/PEzor4.html Installation The install.sh is designed to work on a Kali Linux distro. ________________< PEzor!! v3.0.3 > —————- / // |___/| / // \ /0 0...

Go-shellcode – a repository of Windows Shellcode runners and supporting utilities 0

Go-shellcode – a repository of Windows Shellcode runners and supporting utilities

go-shellcode is a repository of Windows Shellcode runners and supporting utilities. The applications load and execute Shellcode using various API calls or techniques. The available Shellcode runners include: CreateFiber CreateProcess CreateProcessWithPipe CreateRemoteThread CreateRemoteThreadNative CreateThread CreateThreadNative...