Tagged: analysis

Gootkit: the cautious Trojan 0

Gootkit: the cautious Trojan

Gootkit is complex multi-stage banking malware that was discovered for the first time by Doctor Web in 2014. Initially it was distributed via spam and exploits kits such as Spelevo and RIG. In conjunction...

IT threat evolution Q1 2021 0

IT threat evolution Q1 2021

Targeted attacks Putting the ‘A’ into APT In December, SolarWinds, a well-known IT managed services provider, fell victim to a sophisticated supply-chain attack. The company’s Orion IT, a solution for monitoring and managing customers’...

Evolution of JSWorm ransomware 0

Evolution of JSWorm ransomware

Introduction Over the past few years, the ransomware threat landscape has been gradually changing. We have been witness to a paradigm shift. From the massive outbreaks of 2017, such as WannaCry, NotPetya, and Bad...

CISA Analysis on FiveHands Ransomware 0

CISA Analysis on FiveHands Ransomware

The CISA has published a report on the FiveHands ransomware deployed by an aggressively financially motivated group – UNC2447. The campaign involved extortion incidents between January and February. click here to read full Article...

DDoS attacks in Q1 2021 0

DDoS attacks in Q1 2021

News overview Q1 2021 saw the appearance of two new botnets. News broke in January of the FreakOut malware, which attacks Linux devices. Cybercriminals exploited several critical vulnerabilities in programs installed on victim devices,...