Asnap – Tool To Render Recon Phase Easier By Providing Updated Data About Which Companies Owns Which Ipv4 Or Ipv6 Addresses

Asnap - Tool To Render Recon Phase Easier By Providing Updated Data About Which Companies Owns Which Ipv4 Or Ipv6 Addresses

Asnap aims to render recon section a lot easier by providing on a regular basis up-to-date information about which companies owns which ipv4 or ipv6 addresses and lets the person to automate first port and company scanning.

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Author : Mehmet Berkay Yuksel | twitter -> @paradoxxer


Set up

Precompiled Binary

If you have Go put in and configured in your $Route enviroment variable, only operate:

go get -u

If you want to use precompiled binary, you also have to have to obtain “” and “” information and place them in the similar listing with asnap.

To down load the databases that asnap lookups from, you want to give a critical. To get your cost-free essential, indication up right here -> following signing up navigate -> solutions -> My license crucial and make new crucial. Then generate “asnap_conf.txt” inside of the very same directory with asnap, and paste your crucial to initially line of “asnap_conf.txt”:

echo 'insert key' > asnap_conf.txt 

To be able to use port scanning performance, you need to have to install nmap to your equipment:

* Debian Based Distros:
sudo apt put in nmap
* MacOS
brew put in nmap
* Arch Centered Distros
sudo pacman -S nmap

Make By yourself (Encouraged)

Obtain the resource code:

git clone

Install golang right here -> in or you can put in go if it is obtainable in your deal manager:

sudo apt set up golang

Soon after downloading the supply code, navigate by the project directory and operate:

go construct

This will create asnap binary. After you create it, make asnap_conf.txt inside of the exact same directory with the asnap, insert your vital to 1st line and you are great to go.

echo 'insert key' > asnap_conf.txt 

Utilization and Examples

Usage of ./asnap:
-down load Down load databases for the very first usage.
-update Update downloaded databases. (Geolite databases updates the moment a week.).
-research Specify look for.
-ipv4 Specify ipv4 database to search.
-ipv6 Specify ipv6 databases to look for.
-business Search by enterprise title.
-asn Research by as range.
-outfile Specifies a name for the output textual content. By default, output file is named: MM-DD-YYYY_out.txt
-infile Use specified .txt file as enter. Asnap will iterate each individual line, and treats them as business names and searches specified databases with supplied inputs.
-nmap Passes discovered ip addresses to nmap.

"$asnap -download" -> Downloads databases with supplied essential, for the to start with time.
"$asnap -update" -> Updates database.
"$asnap -search -ipv4 -com pany="illustration" " -> Lookup ipv4 database by organization title "instance"
"$asnap -research -ipv6 -asn 13337" -> Research ipv6 databases by as selection "13337"
"$asnap -search -ipv4 -business="github" -outfile /path/to/output/file" -> Look for ipv4 database by business name "exam" and help you save output to specified path.
"$asnap -search -ipv4 -infile /route/to/input/file.txt -nmap" -> Give a listing of corporation names as input, look for it inside ipv4 database and move observed ip addresses to nmap for port scanning.

Use Instances:

Although you can use asnap manually, you can automate this whole system with cron work opportunities(see -> For illustration immediately after you supplied an enter file with -infile argument, All you have to do is verify the output file and consistently modify input file to your desires. By default output file named: “MM-DD-YYYY_out.txt”.

Abide by Me:

If you have a concern or a attribute that you want me to insert experience cost-free to get hold of me. twitter -> linkedin -> Web Web-site ->


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